29 of January 2008
last lesson for SCIENCE.
and BYEBYE to Mr. Joel.
the act cute one. hahas.
okies. before i start everything.
i shall let the joke of the day be the first foto.

spot any mistake???
it is the... chopstick.
YATI took it opposite way.
so we took class foto.
and today class foto is a more.
erm. how to ssay.
more to the full attendance.

class photo 1.

class photo 2.

selin. yati. joel. naqiah & ME.
pose 1.

selin. yati. joel. naqiah & ME.
pose 2.

erm. now is individual photo.
but what happen??

so another 1.

joel * naqiah
( forever same pose)

joel* yati.
(joel sit dwn almost the same height as yati)
(this means something *hints*)

joel* selin.
(almost the same pose again)
before that. we went for lunch at causeway again.
yummy yummy. yum yum.
and we have a new member today.

look nice right. hahas.

while i am waiting. i took their fotos.

and selin is trying to hide.

selin with her seafood noodles.

they are taking a damn long time to buy the kuay teow.

FINALLY they are back.
after that.we went back school.
and as normal.
while waiting fro the bus.
it is the photo taking session

erm. o0ps. selin is gone.

this is better. hahas.
we have bubble tea. YEAHS.

the 3 of them.
i am always the photographer.

hahas. seee look
selin. staring.
naqiah drinking.
and YATI??

the 3 of us.
i like this photos.

erm. OMG.look fat!

erm. maybe i am FAT.

really sias.
i have to think of a way.

ohyarhs. the kissing pose.
can make my face look slimmer.

yati being cut off.

and they tok my foto.
NAQIAH took revenge.
but i dun look unglam.
cos i am always doing funny poses.
the one who is always on the phone.
change position.
change to SELIN.

evidence 1.

evidence 2. hahas.
it is always naqiah that tak the fotos.
and then we took selin to our secret hiding place.
and we pose like qian shou guan yin.
okies. english is= the buddha with lots of hands.

pose 1.
yati lying on naqiah's hand.

pose 2.
selin smelling yati's armpit??
is she okies??

pose 3.
selin is my armpit hair??

pose 4.
BEST! hahas.

then for this i present
naqiah = ms SHY.
selin = camera woman.
yati = ms FAKER brainy.

next. the important festival.
me = halloween.
naqiah = hari raya.
yati = chinese new year.
selin = christmas tree.

and we shall give you our L.O.V.E

and then you can F.U.C.K off. hahas.

after everything funny.
we shall act guai guai for one last time.
and the end. hahas.